I'm a houston based dubstep/electro Producer.


Recording Engineer/


Joined on 12/16/07

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aaronmusslewhite's News

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - August 29th, 2012

No like, NEW music. trying out a new style let me know what you guys think.

It's sort of more genre fusing, but still got some dubstep to it. It's new territory for me because the vocals are so prominent.

If it gets enough support I want to try to right an EP of similar musicz. So let me know if you dig it

if you haven't already, please follow me on facebook and twitterreally helps me out and maybe one day I could go on tour and itd be all thanks to YOU! and we could go midnight bowling and talk about things you like! Wouldn't that be awesome! I think so too, go click that like button!

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - August 15th, 2012

oh em gee you guys, Oh Hai is now officially on itunes. Go check it out I promise. I'll wait right here. ..... See!? Aw yea-yuh!
So please grab a copy of the super pristine, lossless mixes. You totally deserve them. :P It's gonna make your friends soooo jealous. They'll be all "Aw I wish we had awesome nice files instead of these YouTube rips...:(" and you be all, "EAT IT!"
..yeah,... fuck those guys. Anyway, thanks for everything you guys. Lot of exciting things to come. (liiiike performance stuff maybe... eh? EH!? You into that?, well be sure to follow me on Facebook and twitter so you'll be in the loop. Also i'll sing happy birthday for you. and the daily compliments are still on the table. ACT NOW!)

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - August 4th, 2012

Hey everyone. I'll be re-releasing Oh Hai on iTunes. But it's not just going to be an EP this time. It'll be most of my tracks I've released but I'm going back with my new knowledge and remixing tracks. Some need them more than others. Overdrive I haven't touched a whole lot, just minor tweaks. But I've changed up quite a bit of I'm Alive. I've never been happy with I'm alive but now I can honestly say I actually like it lol.

There will also be some bonus tracks maybe. So stay tuned for that!


Posted by aaronmusslewhite - July 7th, 2012

Ok so I finished the first draft of the first song for my new project. Now mind you it's just a demo mix so it might change a bit before I call it done.

but do check it out hope you enjoy it!

like me? i like you :3 http://www.facebook.com/aaronmusslewhite
follow me. I follow you [/stalker] http://www.twitter.com/aaronmmusic
follow me more. I'll put my sex on you http://www.soundcloud.com/aaronmusslewhite

(jk SJD you know i got love for ya bruv :P)
(even if i do misspell your name sometimes)


Posted by aaronmusslewhite - July 6th, 2012

Holy shit if doing this music stuff has taught me anything its that I'm awful at all this social networking bullshit.
however I now have a ustream! so if you're into that follow me on it. I'm actually streaming RIGHT NOW trying to figure this shit out. lol

my profile: http://www.ustream.tv/user/aaronmusslewhite

update: so the streams over but definitely follow me guys, i'll probably be doing more where you can see the progress of the cd and such.

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - July 6th, 2012

That's basically what I do. I write and then i procrastinate writing.

The procrastination enters into it thusly: finally uploaded midnight to youtube
which literally took me ages. Laziness. I am a bad man.

Also started writing for my show. It's pretty interesting just needs some work here and there. I may upload a video of me working on it or something.

But anyway check out the midnight vid, like and sub if you .. like.

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - June 29th, 2012

Hello friends de newgrounds.

So firstly I've got 200+ ... , I'm gonna call them 'followers' (fans feels weird to me lol) on newgrounds now! That means 200+ of you better have clicked this news! :D Other wise you won't be entitled to your free compliment as per the last post

So I know in actuality probably next to no one reads these. I say that cuz no one ever talks to me here so I'm gonna interpret that as none of you read this.
However, on the off chance there are a few of you who are really interested in more music from me here's an update:

Shit's changing a lot.

I'm working with a guy, a manager guy, now to help me arrange a few shows and I'm gonna be doing something a little different than the typical produce and dj kind of thing. I'll let you guys know more about it as I go, I'll also probably release it under a different name.

I'm producing some of it today and it's coming along well, the song I'm producing is ... well it's pretty, maybe kind of like midnight, but not really. The drop is gonna be aggressive tho, so maybe it'll be a good bipolar song. Anyway I really feel like it's one of the most epic things I've done, and that it's some next level stuff. I'm super excited to perform these tracks.

writing this show is gonna be quite a journey so completed music isn't probably going to be released here as often (which honestly you should be used to by now anyway haha) except for maybe in the form of demos.

Depending on if I get any response for it, I WOULD absolutely love to bring you guys along for it and do things like, livestream the writing/practicing of the material, recording it, Upload some demos of it, maybe have a vlog on youtube or something, and anything else either I or you guys come up with.

If that's something you guys are interested in let me know either here or some other form of social media thingamajig.


Posted by aaronmusslewhite - June 15th, 2012

Ey what up guys. Been awhile. It has been a pretty stressful past couple of weeks but I've made it through. Moved to my new apartment which is waaaaaay nicer. Also my studio put in new hardwood floors which in turn led to it being shut down a few days. Which led to my clients getting pushed back, which THEN led to a ton of work. Which is predominantly what I've been up to.

But now i'm back. got a new song. check it. it's called midnight.

hope to keep the updates a little more consistent again.

Also I've been talking to a manager about ...well managing so maybe that'll lead to something good as well.

Thanks for listening again guys.

As a welcome back you should totally friend, follow, subscribe, follow again.

If you do you'll get to hear my music whenever it comes out and also I will pay you compliments to make you feel better about yourself and brighten your day.
For instance: Nice hat! I love what you're doing with your hair! Woah! Soooomeone's been working out, eh!?

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - May 23rd, 2012

Hey guys I'm not sure if anyone is necessarily paying attention to the slump here or if you guys just go "oh hey aaron uploaded something, I got 5 minutes." But in the event you're worrying whether there's problems in my new life with ashleyalyse in our cardboard box and it is tumultuous and she murdered me in a fit of domestic rage or ...something less dramatic, I just wanted to say that I'm fine and ashley still loves me, definitely. ...probably. Also SJD visits.. and we eat pizza... since that seems to be becoming a bit of a meme on this newspage.

In actuality there are 3 things keeping me from getting my new tracks done. Moving is a big one, man i really procrastinated hard on this thing. ... :( 2, is diablo 3... kind of ... I dont get to play it often but I have procrastinated on my tracks to play it at least two nights since it's release. The main one is probably the TON of work I've had lately. I've had a lot more production clients than normal this week and.. Idk just seems like everyone wants to record this week for some reason. So that's that. OH, also, got a new DJ controller so I've been playing with that a bit as well..

Anyway more to come at some point in the near future. If it takes way too long I may just start uploading theme music again for fun. I do have a track somewhere between 1/2 way done and 3/4 of the way. So it's cool baby bird, don't fret. Mr.Pokeylope will make everything aaaaalllllrrriiiiight. (if you dont get that reference you should play more "good" games:P)

Peace and love and not laziness... I need that last one. :P

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - May 15th, 2012

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