I'm a houston based dubstep/electro Producer.


Recording Engineer/


Joined on 12/16/07

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aaronmusslewhite's News

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - May 12th, 2012

I am very hungry.

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - May 9th, 2012

I once read a post that I found while on stumble upon, which is what I do when I'm not producing music. Work, produce, and stumble upon. That's pretty much my life. And wild hollywood coke and sex parties.

Anyway it was about the "loneliest whale in the world." She wanders the ocean in search of friends, but all the other whales seem to be all, "ew, not talking to her!" Imagine that whale's self esteem, dismal. Anyway the issue is apparently her voice is two high to be heard by other whales.

I feel a bit like that at times. When I see I happily have people who enjoy my tracks, but my posts are usually left with 0 comments, and my twitter and facebook are like a town in the west in the 1800's with tumbleweeds blowing through. In fact, I'm gonna just start posting pics of tumbleweeds lol.
But since I'm a bass music producer, perhaps my voice is too low for everyone,
[achievement unlocked: obligatory bass joke, required: 1 joke about how filthy a track is to make quota]

Anyway, friends, don't be afraid to say hi or something or give an opinion on a post. I'm a pretty chill, personable dude. ... on the internet. Which, lucky for you, is the only way we can talk! Otherwise I might mumble inaudibly at you.

(inb4: You suck!)

Anyway, that bullshit aside:
I updated Allegro. I listened to the track at the studio and while the motorcycle sounding bass thing came out great, some of the other basses were lacking.. well, bass. So I turned those up. And also played with the kick and snare a bit more.

Also, (and I'm about to ramble again so feel free to go do something more interesting. Like anything really. Anything in the world would probably be more interesting.) It seems l have been 0 bombed like... a ton lately! I don't know if I've made enemies here somehow or something. But I'm sorry guys. Are you mad that I ate your chocolate bunny your mom got you for easter? Look I apologized for that, but you shouldn't have left it in the communal bowl of candy. How was I supposed to know it was special!? Sheesh, get some real problems!

I'm just thankful I have kind people, who like my music enough to vote positively. I'm not saying I deserve it or anything, definitely vote what you think. And to be totally honest I am not AS concerned with my ratings as I am what people have to say about it and the downloads. But I do realize that a high rating means more people will get to hear it so... two sides of the coin, eh.. or some.. other equally misused idiom.

Anyway, Love ya like a love song, babies! I should have a lot of time to work on new tracks in the next couple of weeks. The only thing I really see getting the way is moving. Grr... moving. Pah! I'm just gonna not think about it and make music. And when my landlord sends the police to evict me because I'm ignoring their notices and just making music all day, perhaps one of you, dear internet friends, can take me in off the streets!

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - May 4th, 2012

Oh hai, (see what i did thur!?) newgrounds family. Just dropping by to say I now have music up on last.fm. Because, it's a thing people use, and I like for people to hear stuff.

So if you use last.fm please feel free to run over here and listen and put it in your radio stations or whatever it is that's cool to do on last.fm. I uh.. haven't really messed with it before today, obviously, but I'm a fast learner so we'll just see what happens.

anyway I'm hungry, so I'm going to chic-fil-a before work.

and you can satisfy your hunger by listening to my music on NG, and buying or downloading OH HAI off bandcamp
and to wash that satisfying meal down by liking my facebook, or following my twitter.

or you could eat actual food. I don't want you to get sick again. You gave us all quite a scare last time!

Edit: libraries, I'm told it's called! So put it in your libraries. You crazy kids, I can't keep up with you lot. You with your myfaces and your spacebooks. Back in my day we listened to dubstep on scratched compact discs the way the good lord intended.

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - May 1st, 2012

Oh my. I say. Smashing. Good show!

Wonder why I'm so ecstatic and shocked? Why it's all the new music released on the internet lately by NGers such as myself and my good friend SDJ.

Speaking of SDJ, he literally JUST came out with his debut dubhop mixtape Theresa (woah genre bending, amirite?! you people always talk about fresh beats. This is like getting to dunkin donuts just as they open the door. Hot fresh beats, with delicious and warm sugar coating. Mmm, how could you start your day without it? Trick question. You can't). It's all about girls and shit. Everyone of you has had a girlfriend at one point right? Course you have! Or at least you threw rocks at one in kindergarten so you can totally relate to this. It's practically written about you! So go grab this aural goodness and cram it right into your ears right now. And dont forget to check out the producers of the mixtape, they all have great music for your enjoyment as well!

And if that wasn't enough my own debut EP isn't too old itself. So my 137 (and counting) newground friends, AND special visitors, don't forget to go grab it as well! I love each and every one of you so much that I'm allowing you to download it for free, cuz hey, it's the internet. I know how things work. But if you don't want me to miss my rent and be thrown out in the cold and have to lug around my rig, breaking into other folks' homes and using their electricity while they're away and darting out as they come home, it'd be nice (if you enjoy it) if you could spare a couple bucks for music I worked hard to bring to you. So go check out my EP OH HAI! It's like a tidal wave of aural goodness pulling you into a vast sea of delicious and sexy bass and mid rangey tones that lick you all over, but not in a sexual way.. more like a multitude of little unconditionally loving puppies... unless you're in to that. in which case it's totally sexy. Aaron Musslewhite's OH HAI EP: It's like sexy puppy kisses.

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - April 26th, 2012

ahoy newgrounds friends.

Well I finally got my EP and social media bull shit sorted and can get back to the point of all this, making music. I've got at least a couple tunes on their way. One I just uploaded check it out here
It's a drumstep track and features some nice female vox I found on the net.

the other features NG's very own SenatorJohnDean
It's almost done It just needs to be mixed down so look for it very soon.

as always thanks for listening :P
face me on friendbook
and twitter me on follow...er... come back to me I can do better.

Oh and also don't forget to go grab a copy of my cd.
Name your price. :P

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - April 11th, 2012

Just uploaded a video on youtube that has samples of all the songs on my EP so you can check it out and see if you like it and download it.
check it out here!

If you have a youtube account please subscribe to my channel I'll be uploading songs there as well as on here and if I get enough subscribers I may start doing things like recording sessions and doing tutorials and shit like that, so please please take the time to do that, I REALLY appreciate it!

Also I just made a facebook account and I know everyone has that so go like my page to get more news about tracks

same for twitter if you like that better

or soundcloud

and if you like the album you can buy it or download it at

all the money i make from my music will go right back into it. I definitely want to get more synths and plug ins to make even better music! Thanks for all your support guys.

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - April 10th, 2012

Hey everyone I'm releasing my first EP today!

Head over to http://aaronmusslewhite.bandcamp.com/ and download it!

It's released at the price of whatever you want. You can set your own price and even grab a free download if you like!
Thanks for your support guys hope you enjoy it. And now I'll be getting back to making even better tunes!

Also if you have a twitter please follow me at twitter.com/aaronmmusic

or if you have a facebook (lol "if") please like my new facebook page

really appreciate the support guys!

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - April 6th, 2012

Newsy news news!

Ok so I'm proud to announce that, ITS DONE! Fuckin' finally, amirite? I've been saying this is "coming any day now" for weeks. But I finally got everything mastered and remixed and all that stuff. I'm just waiting on the artwork and then I'll post the link for everything.

I'm in talks right now with an awesome artist to do the album art, (as i am just... awful at art apparently) so hopefully I'll get that back soon and we can move forward.

Once the album is released you'll be able to choose your price, all the way down to free.99. So be looking for that!

In the mean time, I'm gonna start trying to replace the audio files across the net with the mastered versions, beginning with the remixes of the adele and gotye songs as they were unauthorized so they wont actually be apart of the proper album.

Also senator john dean over at dub-hop.com did an interview with me at:
http://www.dub-hop.com/2012/04/dubstep-dubhop-pr oducer-to-watch-aaron.html

be sure to check out his site dubstep lovers, theres all kinds of great information about other artists, including two other really awesome artists, xSentinel and Austin Hayes so check them out too if you get a chance.

stay tuned for the release!

and thanks again!

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - April 4th, 2012

Jesus, I've had an exhausting passed couple of weeks! I've had tons of work and other crazy things going on, but I'm finally getting a chance to get back into it. I've noticed the activity on my channel is directly proportional to how active (or inactive as the case is :/) I am, personally, on it haha. Sad to see it moving slower, but we'll get back to it! :D

I did get everything mastered but, as always there's little nit pick-y things to be fixed before I want to release it.

Which brings me to the next question,
I know people dont usually seem to check this page or comment on my news page but would any of you (there's 100+ of you following now! :D yay!) be interested in checking out the final mastering session on ustream or some other similar service if I did that? It would have to be later tonight, as I'm booked out pretty much the rest of the week. Like maybe around 8pm-9pm Central time? (sorry for the short notice, sort of spur of the moment :/)

thanks guys!

Posted by aaronmusslewhite - March 20th, 2012

Hello people who may or may not be reading this. I'm back in houston finally from SXSW. Great show, btw, Knife party was aweeeesoooooome! The line to get in to that club was ridiculous. Seriously like could have filled that club to capacity like 3 or 4 times over. But now I'll be heading to dallas to catch feed me at the house of blues. Super excited. Wednesday I'll finally be done with all this running around watching shows and I'll be able to get back to the studio and have everything lined out. So by wednesday night I'll be making a new post about releasing the mastered tracks. Thanks for listening guys, see ya wednesday :P