Come live with me! I have enough room for two in my cardboard box. ^ ^ P.S. your music is absorutery faburous! Cannot wait for moar! Woo!
I'm a houston based dubstep/electro Producer.
Recording Engineer/
Joined on 12/16/07
Come live with me! I have enough room for two in my cardboard box. ^ ^ P.S. your music is absorutery faburous! Cannot wait for moar! Woo!
excellent! Those accommodations are most likely better then the stupid apt I live in now! We shall paint windows on the sides, and maybe we can get a cat! I call top bunk :P Thank you, working on new tracks now! Unfortunately I'll be going to work soon, :( but this new one is gonna be pretty. Still bass-ey but.. y'know, not all GRAWRWUBWUBWUB! Dance!!! WOBBLEDYWOBBLEDYWOB-WOBLLEWOBBasl jasdf;lkadsf! right, got a little carried away there. anyway thanks for listening :D!
Also, thanks for responding guise! I feel all warm and fuzzy! :P
In my short time on NG, I have learned not to worry about the "locals" here. You have a style that is going far beyond any one site, so getting ignored a bit, I think, is just "paying dues." I feel the same way sometimes, but screw that. I just had my first random girl like me on FB, so I know sticking to the cause leads somewhere!
Screw the 0 bomb haters, your music is awesome!
thank you, the support definitely makes it better lol :D I wouldn't mind so much if it was so detrimental. I've had songs with like 4.8's and then there in the 3's somewhere. Craziness.