Just uploaded a video on youtube that has samples of all the songs on my EP so you can check it out and see if you like it and download it.
check it out here!
If you have a youtube account please subscribe to my channel I'll be uploading songs there as well as on here and if I get enough subscribers I may start doing things like recording sessions and doing tutorials and shit like that, so please please take the time to do that, I REALLY appreciate it!
Also I just made a facebook account and I know everyone has that so go like my page to get more news about tracks
same for twitter if you like that better
or soundcloud
and if you like the album you can buy it or download it at
all the money i make from my music will go right back into it. I definitely want to get more synths and plug ins to make even better music! Thanks for all your support guys.
K bud, I'll hit you up on Fb, gotta keep track of good music, I'm with ya.
Thanks friend, I appreciate it! Every like counts haha! Already gettin back at it, gotta push it to the next level!