Hey arron u mind if i use a 19 sec clip from bounce? on my youtube i will leave the link in the description
I'm a houston based dubstep/electro Producer.
Recording Engineer/
Joined on 12/16/07
Hey arron u mind if i use a 19 sec clip from bounce? on my youtube i will leave the link in the description
sure just throw a link to my youtube channel in the description if you would. /aaronmusslewhite
Love the cover/art though not the upside-down cross, but the lazer eyes, epic.
you got some good skillz/talent dude, keep it up, God bless.
its not because i'm a satanist or anything its just a joke at the expense of artists that take that sort of thing to seriously and/or try to look scary and menacing using that imagery. And also because i like the idea of a seemingly innocuous, cute sloth juxtaposed with something that's really pretty much the antithesis... like an upside cross. It was originally gonna have illuminati symbolism for good fun but I ran out of time. Better luck next time.
I'm glad you like the rest tho! haha thanks for listening :D